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Wellington Primary School

Special educational needs

At Wellington Primary we are committed to ensuring that every child’s unique needs are met, and that they have equal access to a high-quality education. Our SEND intent is to create a nurturing, inclusive and supportive learning environment where all students, regardless of their abilities or disabilities, can thrive.  We will achieve this by identifying and addressing individual needs, providing tailored support and fostering a sense of belonging, identity and wellbeing. Our dedicated school team, including parents and external specialists, will work collaboratively to ensure that every child’s journey through Wellington Primary School is enriched with the right resources, guidance and opportunities to succeed. Our intent is to empower our children to become confident, independent learners who can make a positive contribution to our school community and beyond.

Our SEND provision is not a one-size-fits-all approach, it is carefully customized to meet the specific needs and characteristics of Wellington Primary School. We recognise our diverse pupil population and the resources which we have available, we have adapted our approach in the following ways: 

An inclusive curriculum – Wellington has designed the curriculum to be adaptive and inclusive, allowing all students to access and engage within their own current curriculum pathway. Adaptive teaching such as small group work, scaffolds and individualised learning plans are implemented to accommodate our wide range of abilities and learning styles.

Targeted interventions – Wellington has a highly skilled network of SEND support staff and specialists who work closely with the class teachers and senior team. They assess the children’s needs and provide targeted and timely intervention to address learning challenges and endeavour to close gaps in learning.

Parental Support – Wellington understands the importance of collaboration with parents and carers – especially in the field of SEND. We actively engage them in the process of creating and reviewing ILP’s and encourage open communication to address their concerns and feedback.

Accessible facilities – Wellington has invested in making our school environment physically accessible to all students, with ramps, lifts, and sensory-friendly spaces for those with additional and specific needs. We provide assistive technology, such as hearing loops, where needed to support our children and families.

Continual assessment – Wellington holds regular formal and informal assessments and reviews of our SEND provision – we identify areas to celebrate and those to improve, in order to ensure that our intent is effective in meeting the changing needs of our school community

Should you wish to find out further information about our SEND provision at Wellington Primary then please contact the following staff –

Mrs Louise Gleeson
Deputy Headteacher and SENDCo
020 8570 6130

Miss Harkiran Koundu
Assistant Headteacher and Assistant SENDCo
020 8570 6130


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