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Wellington Primary School

School travel plan



Our travel plan for Wellington Primary aims to promote safe, sustainable, and active travel options for students, staff, and parents/carers. Our goal is to reduce car dependency, encourage healthier modes of transportation, and enhance road safety awareness within our school community.


Promote Active Travel - Encourage walking, cycling, and scooting as preferred modes of travel to and from school.

Enhance Road Safety – Educate children and parents about road safety practices and safe routes to school.

Reduce Car Traffic - Reduce traffic congestion and air pollution by minimizing the number of car journeys to school.

Improve Health and Well Being – Promote physical activity through active travel choices, contributing to improved health and wellbeing among students

Create a Greener Environment -Support environmental sustainability by advocating for eco-friendly travel options

Key Strategies 

Walking Bus Scheme - Supervised walking groups, led by parent volunteers, to accompany children walking to school along designated routes

Cycling and Scooter Initiatives - Provide secure bike and scooter storage facilities at school, and promote cycling and scooting through workshops and incentives.

Road Safety Education - Implement road safety lessons in the curriculum and organize workshops for students and parents on pedestrian and cycling safety

Public Transport Promotions - Encourage the use of public transport by providing information on bus routes, timetables, and travel passes

Car Free Zones - Work with local authorities to establish car-free zones around the school during drop-off and pick-up times.

Community Engagement - Engage with parents, local residents, and businesses to raise awareness about the benefits of sustainable travel and gather support for the travel plan.

Implementation Steps 

  • Conduct a baseline survey to assess current travel habits and identify opportunities for improvement 
  • Develop a travel plan committee comprising of school staff, parents, local council representatives and community members
  • Create a calendar of activities, workshops and events to promote active travel throughout the school year 
  • Monitor progress and evaluate the effectiveness of the travel plan through regular surveys and feedback sessions
  • Continuously update and refine the travel plan based on feedback and changing circumstances 


The travel plan for Wellington is designed to foster a culture of sustainable and active travel while promoting road safety and improving the overall health and wellbeing of our school community. By working together with students, parents, and local stakeholders, we aim to create a safer, healthier, and greener environment for everyone.  We are proud to share that our efforts have been recognized with Gold Level Accreditation, highlighting our commitment to excellence in sustainable travel initiatives.

See also:

Gold Accreditation

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