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Wellington Primary School

Wellington Primary School Council


At Wellington Primary, we believe in empowering our pupils by giving them a voice in shaping the school community. Our School Council plays a vital role in representing the views and ideas of their peers, helping to create a positive and inclusive environment for everyone.

What is the School Council?

The School Council is made up of elected pupils from across the school. Each class elects two representatives to attend School Council meetings throughout the academic year. These meetings take place at least once a month, giving members the opportunity to discuss important issues that affect pupils and to contribute to making the school a better place for everyone.

School Council members bring their classmates' ideas to the meeting, where they discuss what actions to take. After each meeting, they share the outcomes with their classes to keep everyone informed and involved.

Our Role

The School Council works closely with staff to support the school’s development and improvement.
Some of the areas the council focuses on include:

✓ Organizing events, such as charity fundraisers and themed days (e.g., Poetry Day and Science Week)

✓ Helping to promote and improve attendance across the school

✓ Contributing to environmental and sustainability initiatives

✓ Supporting school-wide campaigns and projects like the Reading Café and Books and Bagels

✓ Encouraging positive behavior and school values, such as respect and responsibility

✓ Ensuring the voices of all pupils are heard, contributing to a safe, happy, and inclusive school atmosphere

Recent Projects

The School Council has been busy organizing several exciting initiatives:

Poetry Day and Space Poem Competition, encouraging creative writing and a love of literacy.

Cake Sale, raising money for the Reading Café to support quality reading time for parents and children.

Books and Bagels, a new event fostering a love of reading while building stronger relationships between parents and children.

How to Get Involved

Each year, pupils have the opportunity to stand for election to the School Council. This process is part of our commitment to promoting democracy and leadership skills.

We encourage all students to share their ideas and suggestions with their class representatives. The School Council is here to listen and to make Wellington Primary an even better place to learn and grow.


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