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Wellington Primary School

Monday 11th May 2020


Dear Parents and Carers,

I hope you and your extended families are all safe and well. Thank you for supporting us over the last eight weeks with the virtual school.

I am sure following the Prime Minister’s statement on Sunday that you have many questions about how and when the school will reopen to different year groups. We have lots of questions too at the moment that need clarification too.

During May, for us in school, there is no change in the guidance, we will continue to care for those children whose parents are critical to the Covid -19 response and only for those who cannot be safely care for at home. The message is still that it is safer to stay at home at the moment.

We have not received any information as yet to support us with the new plan to start the phased return of some year groups. We expect we will receive further information from the DFE shortly, hopefully with some clarification.

We will need clear guidance to plan how it is possible to social distance in schools and keep our children, staff and families’ safe; how we might start to bring groups of children back to school and what this might look like. Please be reassured we will only open when we are fully prepared and fully understand how to keep children and adults as safe as possible.

As always, we will keep you informed as soon as we have all the relevant information from the DFE. Please try not to worry in the meantime, we will find a workable plan and do our best to support your families. Our plan for May is to continue to provide activities for learning at home, keep in contact with you and the children and continue to support each other in these very difficult and uncertain times.


Yours sincerely,

Mrs D Norton




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