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Wellington Primary School

Curriculum rationale



At Wellington Primary, we aim to provide a rich, balanced, and inclusive curriculum that fosters a lifelong love of learning. Rooted in our local context of Hounslow, our curriculum prepares students for the modern world by building a strong foundation in knowledge, skills, and cultural capital. We focus on creating ambitious learners who are equipped to excel in a rapidly changing society while remaining grounded in their local community. Aligned with the National Curriculum, we ensure that our curriculum is progressive, challenging, and coherent, offering every child the opportunity to thrive academically and personally.

  • Ambition for all learners, including those who are disadvantaged or have special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Every pupil is expected to achieve their full potential through high expectations.
  • A broad and balanced curriculum, where every subject is valued and contributes to the holistic development of each child. We emphasize mastery of core subjects such as English, Maths, and Science, while nurturing creativity, physical health, and emotional well-being through arts, PE, and PSHE.
  • A strong emphasis on knowledge progression where key concepts are revisited and deepened over time. Pupils gain the cumulative knowledge they need to succeed across all subject areas.
  • Cultural diversity and local context are integrated into learning to reflect the unique character of our diverse school community, empowering students with a sense of identity and belonging.
  • Development of essential life skills—such as critical thinking, communication, collaboration, and resilience—to prepare students for secondary education and life beyond.



Our curriculum is carefully designed and structured to deliver on our intent through high-quality teaching, ongoing assessment, and robust subject leadership. Teachers are well-supported with professional development that ensures expert delivery of the curriculum and alignment with best practices.

  • Curriculum planning is rigorous and ensures clear progression from Early Years to Year 6. Each subject has a carefully sequenced scheme of learning, where pupils build on prior knowledge while being introduced to increasingly complex concepts.
  • Teachers are skilled in delivering lessons that are engaging, inclusive, and responsive to the needs of all learners. Differentiation is embedded to provide scaffolding for pupils with SEND while stretching the most able.
  • Assessment for learning is central to our practice. Ongoing formative assessments allow teachers to adjust teaching and provide targeted interventions where necessary. Summative assessments are used to monitor progress and identify areas for improvement.

Subject leaders oversee the implementation of the curriculum in their area, ensuring consistency, depth, and breadth across all year groups. They provide support to staff and ensure the curriculum is regularly reviewed and updated in line with the latest research.

  • Cross-curricular links are carefully planned to create meaningful connections between subjects. For example, history and geography topics may inform creative writing in English or data handling in Maths, giving learning greater coherence and context.
  • Enrichment opportunities such as educational trips, extracurricular clubs, and themed days are integrated into the curriculum to enhance learning and offer broader experiences that support personal development.



The impact of our curriculum is reflected in the academic and personal achievements of our pupils. By the time children leave Wellington Primary, they are confident, well-rounded individuals who have developed the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary for the next stage of their education.

We aim for:

  •  Excellent academic outcomes for all pupils, demonstrated through consistently high attainment and progress across the curriculum, particularly in core subjects like English and Maths. Pupils are well-prepared for their transition to secondary school.
  • Closing the attainment gap between disadvantaged pupils and their peers. Through targeted interventions, personalised support, and high expectations, we ensure that all pupils, including those with SEND, make strong progress.
  • Pupils develop deep, connected knowledge across subjects, enabling them to apply their learning in real-world contexts and make links across different areas of study.
  • Pupil voice and engagement—our students are curious, resilient learners who take pride in their achievements and contribute positively to school life. They demonstrate a clear understanding of what they have learned and why it matters.
  •  Through a focus on social and emotional learning, pupils are equipped with the personal qualities they need to be successful in life. They show empathy, responsibility, and respect for others, reflecting the values of the school and wider community.
  • Our curriculum fosters a sense of community and belonging, where pupils are aware of their heritage and prepared to engage in Hounslow’s diverse, multicultural society with confidence and an appreciation of different perspectives.

Regular monitoring and evaluation ensure that the curriculum continues to evolve and meet the needs of our pupils, contributing to sustained high standards and success .

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