Bringing and collecting children
It is essential that children arrive in time for the start of the school day 9.00 am. for Early Years and Infants and 8.55 am for Juniors. All children need a calm, orderly start to the day. Late arrivals are logged each day and the parents of pupils who are late more than occasionally will be invited to discuss the issue with the headteacher
Collection at the end of the day
Pupils from Nursery to Year 4 must be collected after school by an adult. Years 5 & 6 may go home alone if the appropriate form has been completed and they have successfully passed a safety test with senior staff to demonstrate they can walk home safely and make good choices.
The school will not let the child leave with an unfamiliar adult. If you wish someone else to collect your child please inform us in advance and update your collection form.
Please collect your child promptly. If you are unavoidably delayed please telephone and let us know, so that we can reassure your child.