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Wellington Primary School

Breakfast and Afterschool Club


Discover fun-filled Before and After School Care Programmes with Junior Adventures Group at Wellington Primary School! Their staff are expertly trained, DBS-checked to an enhanced level, first aid qualified and experienced in and passionate about the activities they offer.

  • Activities designed for all ages and interests
  • Create lifelong friendships over exciting adventures beyond the classroom
  • Delivered by a team of expertly trained professionals
  • Weekly Children’s Meetings to put them in control of their experience
  • Promotes fun, curiosity and mindfulness
  • Healthy Breakfast & Nutritious After School Snack available each day

Breakfast Club provision is from 7:30am – school start
After School Club provision is from school end – 6:00pm

The club will be based in the Infant School Wraparound Room. For Stay and Play clubs, JAG’s team will collect children from their classrooms at the Infant School, and for the Junior school walking bus, children in years 3 - 6 will meet their team members in the Junior School Library where they will then head to the Infant School. For collection, please pick up from the Infant Building.

For more information visit Wellington Primary School Club Page:

To book, please login/create an account and secure your place online at:

Please follow the quick step guide below:

  • Register a Junior Adventures Group account
  • Please confirm that you have read the Terms and Conditions
  • Add your desired Before & After School location as centre – Wellington Primary School
  • Add your child(ren) to your Junior Adventures Group account before attempting to make a booking
  • Ensure all the Consent questions, Collector, Emergency Contacts and Doctor details are added.
  • After this, click on Book Activity to make a booking.
  • Select the dates you wish to book!

For more information about Junior Adventures Group Clubs, please visit some further key web pages below…
Parent Support:
Our Story:
New to JAG:

Otherwise, for any further queries, please don’t hesitate to call the friendly bookings team on 0333 577 1533 or email them at

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