Assemblies and collective worship
Our school follows the Hounslow agreed syllabus, “Widening Horizons”.
Assemblies are for the delivery of important notices, the sharing of merits and team points.
Collective Worship takes place daily. We are in the process of renewing our Determination by SACRE (Standing Advisory Committee for Religious Education) and so that our acts of worship no longer have to be of a mainly Christian nature. Our Collective Worship reflects the variety of faiths within our community.
This is renewed every 5 years.
Parents have the right to withdraw their children from RE and/or Collective Worship but not from assemblies.
RE is primarily taught in separate lessons, but themes are linked with other curriculum areas where appropriate.
Parents have the right to withdraw their children from religious education and the daily act of worship.
Please see the headteacher if you are considering this option.
We hold an assembly every day. Parents are warmly invited to attend merit assemblies which take place on Fridays, and special assemblies held at various times throughout the year.